Update on 13th Annual Pre-1840s Pilgrims’ Camp and Swap Meet

13th Annual Pre-1840s Pilgrims’ Camp and Swap Meet – January 24-25, 2015
The folks at the Cowboy Action Shooting Range outside of Columbus have once again graciously volunteered their facility to provide a friendly, safe, informative and fun place for “civilians” and “old hands” to explore their interest in living history. The range is located just Northwest of Columbus, Texas off of US Hwy 71. Plenty of camping space is available.

Saturday afternoon forensic sculptor, Amanda Danning will give a talk on putting a face on the remains of two of La Salle’s settlers. David Martin will give a presentation on indigenous natives of Texas at first European contact and the success of the French and the failures of the Spanish to interact with them. And Charlie Yates will give a talk on the Mexican artillery positions at the 1836 Battle of the Alamo and what they tell us of Santa Anna’s strategy.

There will also be a limited amount of range time for those wishing to shoot. Jerry Tubbs will be in charge of the range and will have rules and procedures for the firing.

The event is open to living historians, reënactors, interested individuals and groups. In conjunction with the “Pilgrim’s” Camp, the “old hands” are encouraged to bring their surplus gear, equipment, clothes and accouterments for an old fash-ioned trading session and swap meet.

There is a $10 general registration fee to help defray expenses and period dress is not required, but it is encouraged. Wood will be provided and if you’d like to help out, bring a chainsaw for a wood cutting party on Friday. For additional information contact Jerry Tubbs at coloneltubbs@yahoo.com (telephone 713-973-1136) or Charlie Yates at cmyates_50@yahoo.com .