**CANCELLATION** 2020 TAB Spring Rendezvous

From Big John Donahoo

It is with a heavy heart I must announce the cancellation of the 2020 TAB Spring Rendezvous April 3rd-5th. The Board of Directors had already been in communication with one another about the subject when we received word last night that the landowner has asked that we not come onto her property until the corona virus outbreak settles down.

That said, the landowner does want us to have a TAB Rendezvous on her property in the future and suggested we come in October 2020 for the Fall Rendezvous. After discussing it with the other Board members we decided to do just that. Andrew Lewis has asked that his election as Booshway be deferred to the Fall 2020 Rendezvous. The Board agrees with that request.

The 2020 TAB Fall Rendezvous will be held on that property near Paige, Texas October 23-25, 2020 with Andrew Lewis as Booshway and Ronnie Spence as Segundo.

The Board of Directors will be happy to answer any questions any of our members may have regarding the subject.

Please stay safe and be good to one another.

For the Board of Directors,

Big John
John Donahoo
TAB President